How Can You Help Us?

From running befriending schemes and local meetups, to giving practical advice that keeps people safe and well, we are here for everyone in the civil service family.

But we need your support.

Donating to our charity will help us provide more life-changing support and resources, so that more retired civil servants feel connected and cared for – when they need it most.

Getting a phone call, or receiving a letter, can mean the world to a retired civil servant struggling with loneliness and isolation. Being a CSRF befriender can also be incredibly rewarding for you. (Some of our members are in their nineties and have some amazing stories to tell.)

The CSRF also brings retired civil servants together through local community groups across the UK. These friendship forums running activities such as coffee mornings, walks, trips and lunches out.

Today, many civil service jobs are no longer for life. But with your help, our community can be.

We’re Celebrating 60 in 2025

It’s our 60th anniversary in 2025 and to celebrate we’re offering a special 60% discount* on our annual subscription rates to all first-time subscribers. That means you can sign up to support our community for just £13.20 (single) or £22 (joint). This offer will run from now until the end of our anniversary year in 2025.

*Please note our regular annual rate of £33/£55 for single and joint subscriptions respectively will apply in the second year.

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